Areas of Concentration: Anthropic Studies

It aims to investigate and study cultural and scientific realities and models in contact, proposing projects and / or actions related to the understanding of anthropy in its unfolding in socio-biodiversity and in the interaction of knowledge. Through the analysis of discourses, practices and products, generated by vegetative or volitional human actions (of survival and / or entrepreneurship in spaces), there is a need for an interdisciplinary approach - humanities and social sciences, technologies and languages, health and biologicals - to give account of such processes, in order to: organize and systematize traditional and contemporary knowledge and knowledge about the human-environment and human-human relationship; predict and reverse human impacts on the environment; and to propose a con-over-experience of peoples and communities, in their territories / territorialities, respecting the preservation / conservation and possible endogenous transformations, in the heritage of the societies in contact, for the construction of Bom Viver.


Research Lines:

Environments, Health and Cultural Practices

This line includes studies that focus on research on impacts on the natural and social environment, caused by human actions, generating imbalances in biodiversity and in total health - human, animal and plant - caused by insertion models in the environment, which cause racism environmental, transforming spaces and societies in contact, the result of the practices of peoples and communities in the construction of their cultures and identities, or entrepreneurial initiatives that link social groups in disputes and agreements.


Research Line:

Languages, Technologies and Cultural Knowledge

It is intended to investigate in this line how the categories of thought and the respective representations of languages - mathematics, information technology, verbal - originating from human-human and human-environment interactions, which imply in the construction and circulation of distinct logics and knowledge, are produced. and / or interactive in the same culture or in cultures in contact, systematized by intercultural translation processes and by school curricula and disciplines and knowledge of the tradition of cultures, which reflect diverse and sometimes convergent territorialities.